Friday, June 13, 2008

More gay republican news......

More Gay Republican Humor

At the National Press Club dinner, Dick Cheney was speaking and Jeff Gannon was in the awe, and sucking down oysters....
I posed this question to Jeffers....."How could you eat with Dick Cheney speaking??"
Jeff is used to eating with a Dick in front of him...
Ba Dum Dum!

Those crazy Log Cabins....

Glenn Murphy Jr., the former head of Indiana’s Clark County Republican Party and chairman of the Young Republican National Federation was just hanging out with a friend ("victim") one eve and just like so many "Boys' Nights" end up, Murphy's victim awoke to Glenn's mouth around his penis.......
The victim of course, sued.
Murphy was going to fight the charges until the prosecution said they could dig up three other men who said he’d pulled the old “whoops how did your dick end up in my mouth?” trick on them.
Maybe a good defense would be "I was on Ambien". I hear you do some freaky shit on that stuff.

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